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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

District Results may be viewed in the table at the bottom of the homepage or by clicking



What is Gear Up?  The Gear Up Team is comprised of Mrs. Jessica Thrasher/Academic Interventionist, Mrs. Jamie Hutchinson/Academic Interventionist, Mr. Sky Cares/College and Career Navigator, and Mr. Steven Hughes/College and Career Navigator.  Our Gear Up Offices are located at the Wayne County Middle School and Wayne County High School.  Gear Up services include English and Math tutoring , mentoring, counseling/advising, college/career talks and college visits.   We work with the Class of 2027, 2028, and 2029 and will continue until 2028, as we will follow these students through high school graduation.  For the 2024-25 school year, we will implement a program called Xello, for students to explore careers and begin to set goals for their future endeavors. We will assist students students in high school and get them on a pathway of classes that will support their goals after high school.  The Gear Up Team will offer workshops for families on how to pay for college/technical school such as filling out the FAFSA and applying for scholarships. 

Gear Up provides Junior/Senior tutors for our English and Math Middle School Classrooms.  Since 2022, our students have had the opportunity to visit Somerset Community College, Lindsey Wilson College, Eastern Kentucky University, Tennessee Tech, Campbellsville College and the University of Kentucky. Our Gear Up Team is available to talk to parents or guardians at Parent Teacher Conferences.  For more information, please join our communication platform called Signal Vine, LIKE and Follow the WCMS, WCHS, Wayne County Gear Up Facebook Pages, and join our GEAR Up Google Classroom. 

To join our Google Classroom, all rising 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students should join with the Class Code: kv3ykn3



Wayne County Gear Up Academic Interventionist Jessica Thrasher

WCHS  606-348-5575


Wayne County Gear Up Academic Interventionist Jamie Hutchinson

WCHS  606-348-5575


Wayne County Gear Up College and Career Navigator Sky Cares

WCMS 606-348-6691  WCHS 606-348-5575


Wayne County Gear Up College and Career Navigator Steven Hughes

WCMS 606-348-6691   WCHS 606-348-5575