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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

District Results may be viewed in the table at the bottom of the homepage or by clicking

Health Services


District Health Staff 2024-2025

Health Services Reference Guide


Wayne County Board of Education/Healthy Kids Clinic Partnership

Provides the Following School Medical Employees along with Behavioral Health Providers: 

District Health Coordinator 

Rebecca Humble-

Nurse Practitioners: 

Nurse Practitioner: Rebecca Albright

Nurse Practitioner Assistant: Tashea Appleby

School Nurses:

Walker Early Learning Center Nurse, Arlene Guinn - 606-348-4251

Bell Elementary School Nurse, Tonya Parnell - 606-348-8150

Monticello Elementary School Nurse, Sara Guffey - 606-340-3900

Middle School Nurse, Amber Rose 

High School Nurse, Lindsey Sexton - 606-348-5575

Behavioral Health Providers: 

Sarah Cress Hancock, Targeted Case Manager

Baily Morgan, Targeted Case Manager

Taylor McGaw, Targeted Case Manager

Kristina Morrow, LCSW  High School 

Beth Boston, LPCC Middle School 

Joe Correll, LPCC Monticello Elem.

Brittany Kidd, SCW Monticello Elem

DeAnna Rowe, LPSW, CCTP, C-PD Bell Elem. 

Stephanie Gallagher, LPCC Walker


Health Concerns

Students with health concerns such as epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, allergies, heart disease, etc. need to have an emergency information card on file in the school’s office. In addition, physician’s authorization forms may need to be completed for some health concerns an appropriate Primary Care Provider (PCP) Authorization Form should be completed by the healthcare provider and the parent/guardian. Parents are urged to keep emergency phone numbers up-to-date at all times.


Back to School Health and Safety Tips 

Be Proactive Fighting the Flu!
January is one of the peak "flu season" months. Remember to be vigilant about hand washing, coughing into your sleeve, and contacting you health care provider within the next 48 hours if illness develops. It's not to late to vaccinate!
Flyer -
Whooping Cough
Flyer- Covering your Cough
Article -The Flu: A guide for parents
No More Excuses

Everyday Preventive Actions that can Help Fight Germs, Like Flu (PDF Download)

How to Clean and Disinfect Schools to Help Slow the Spread of Flu (PDF Download)

How to Clean and Disinfect Schools to Help Slow the Spread of Flu

Family Handwashing

Everyday Preventive Actions


District Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan 2024-25